Alapan Das

Hey There! I am Alapan and Welcome to TestersDock. I am a full-time Software Professional on a 9 to 5 job to meet my ends. I am currently living and working in London, UK. The one thing I have learned from my brief stint in the IT industry is that, to prosper you’ve to keep updating your skillset (keeping the politics option aside 😉 ).

I joined my first company as a Mobile Manual Tester. But soon I realized that it was not enough as there were things that I wanted to do and I couldn’t, simply because of lack of knowledge. So I gave myself some time and upgraded my skill set by learning Automation tools, Performance Testing tools, Agile/Scrum methodology, etc, and took a leap of faith and switched as an Automation Tester. By the time I was in my second company, I knew what I wanted to do.

I didn’t do any coachings or joined any courses. Like millions, I took to the internet and self-study for my learning. In the process, I came across so many things that I couldn’t find on the internet in a desirable format (more pictures, fewer texts). From there the idea of TestersDock was born.

While learning a new technology, pictures or images play a crucial role, as they have a lasting effect on your memory. One can write 100 lines of texts explaining how to install something or add 10 pictures with no texts, the latter will always be preferred more. The idea is to replicate the same at Testersdock as it’s rightly said – “Pictures speak louder than words”.

Well, that’s it from my end. Hope to see you on the blog soon. Cheers!

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