In this article, we will see in detail how we can install Robot Framework and all the other necessary libraries on a MAC machine.

Step 1: Install Python
Go to and download the latest .pkg file. Run the installer and complete the installation. Once python is installed, go to terminal and run the command python3 -V and it should display the python version.

python3 version check
Step 2: Install PIP
Pip is a package manager for python. It is installed by default when running Step 1. To check the pip version run the command pip3 -V.

pip3 version check
Step 3: Check that the path for python and pip is added to the .bash_profile, if not add it manually
Run the command vi .bash_profile and if you have installed python through the installer (in Step 1) you should see the path automatically added.

python path in bash profile

In case you don’t have the .bash_profile, create one using the touch command and add the path manually. Also if you have a .bash_profile file and the path for python was not added, add it manually.

export PATH

Once the path is successfully saved, run the command echo $PATH and it should display the python path.

python path successfully saved
Step 4: Install Robot Framework
Run the command pip3 install robotframework.

installing robot framework
Step 5: Install Selenium Library
Run the command pip3 install robotframework-seleniumlibrary.

Installing robot framework selenium library
Step 6: Download and install PyCharm IDE community edition
Go to and download the .dmg file. Double click to open and install it.

pycharm installed
Step 7: Install IntelliBot @SeleniumLibrary Patched Plugin in PyCharm IDE
The IntelliBot plugin adds smart editing features to support the Robot Framework. Go to Plugins, Search and then install it.

intellibot selenium library patched plugin installed
Step 8: Create a Project and set the interpreter
Click on ‘New Project’. Check the location of the project folder. Now go the ‘Previously configured Interpreter’ > ‘Three Dots Button’ > ‘System Interpreter’ > Select Python 3.9 from the dropdown. And then finally click on the ‘Create’ button.

location and interpreter in PyCharm
Step 9: Install Browser Drivers and update their paths in .bash_profile
For this example, we are only going to install the chromedriver. Go to and download the latest chromedriver. And also make sure that the chrome version on your computer is updated to the latest version. Now place the driver file in a folder anywhere on your machine and add the path in the .bash_profile file.

To update .bash_profile file:
a) Run vi .bash_profile
b) Press i to edit the file
c) After adding the path, Press ESC key, then type :wq!, and then press the ENTER key

# Setting Path for Browser Drivers
export PATH

path for browser drivers in bash profile

Once the path is set, run the command echo $PATH to cross verify.

Path reflected for browser drivers

Do check out 🙂

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